Sorry for this Random Disappearance

I’ll keep this short and sweet: I’m busy (of course I am).

Finals are in a bit less than two weeks which means I have to study. And besides, nothing interesting is happening in my life, so unless you want to hear about my long and torturous afternoons I spent studying, I don’t have anything to post about.

Or maybe I should post about my long and torturous afternoons…

Just kidding. I can’t post about something I didn’t even do yet 😀

Yeah… my life sucks

Well, I really should start studying now instead of typing this XD

Farewell for a few weeks!!

Going Away for a While… and Other Things

I’m going to try to squeeze a lot of things into this post so just try and hang in there for a while.

First of all, I’m not leaving my blog. I LOVE blogging and would NEVER want to quit. It’s just that school got in the way. Two things: bad grades and disappointed parents. So starting from now, I have to focus more on school and less on what happens online.

I don’t know when I might come back. I might even make a couple of other posts, but I’m not actually going to be “on” WordPress.

Second, I created a second blog so it would mean a lot to me if you decided to check it out. Now, I have no idea WHY I created one right before going on a hiatus, but I’m not exactly a logical person. 🙂 It’s a different style of blog; full of more short, nonsensical, tumblelog style posts. :^) Visit it here at

Third, if you still want to be entertained today… Continue reading Going Away for a While… and Other Things