The Sunshine Blogger Awards

Thanks, Sally Duck for nominating me. I mean it ❤


1-Thank the person who nominated you.

2-Answer the questions from your nominator.

3-Nominate 11 other bloggers and give them 11 questions.



1-if u had one more day to live what are u gonna do?

Save the world! What? That isn’t reasonable? Fine. Then … Skydiving! I’ve always like the idea of flying. With my amazing sister ❤

2-if you can meet one celebrity who are u going to meet?

Jennifer Lawrence. She’s an amazing actress and also really nice.

3-what is the most important quality in a friend?

Trustworthiness, although the ability to have fun is a close second 😀

4- school or jail?


5-last book you read?

Reborn by Jennifer Rush

6-if your house was on fire whats the first thing you will take?

My (hopefully) full wallet. Or my dad’s. 😀

I Nominate…

  1. Annabeth
  2. Yuki
  3. Pandaflower
  4. Anyone else who wants to do this

My Questions:

  1. Why did you start blogging?
  2. What do you like most about blogging?
  3. What is your dream job?
  4. Would you rather have no knees or no elbows?
  5. Does this count as a question?

Welp that’s all I got.


Published by


professional cat

5 thoughts on “The Sunshine Blogger Awards”

  1. I’ve done it before but thanks for nominating me! I’ll answer the questions XD

    Why did you start blogging?
    I don’t remember (I started in 2014) maybe because I wanted more friends ;A;
    What do you like most about blogging?
    Meeting new friends!
    What is your dream job?
    To be an international idol ^-^
    Would you rather have no knees or no elbows?
    O-O Help… Can’t answer, sorry Kitty 😥
    Does this count as a question?
    Of course girl 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Why did you start blogging?
      A friend of mine wanted to start a blog and couldn’t get it to work, so I made one for her.. and she long since disappeared. xP
      What do you like most about blogging?
      Making friends and being able to rant (usually without hate feedback)
      What is your dream job?
      I dunno. I want a job in psychology where I get enough money to support a family but can still enjoy the job.
      Would you rather have no knees or no elbows?
      … just… why would you ask me this!?! xD I can’t answer, I value both very, very much.
      Does this count as a question?
      It has a question mark, does it not? xP

      Liked by 1 person

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